Uplifting of the people’s living standards is a prominent task as well as a requirement of any country. Sri Lanka also attempts to acquire a higher level of living standard of people in the field of economic, social and cultural development. In the process, it is a preeminent contribution in minimizing regional disparities, contributing national economic development and strengthening the democratic process that has been shown by the Provincial Councils and the Local Government system in the country. This ministry has provided allocation for strengthening of low income generated Local Authorities to improve infrastructure facilities and furnish essential machines and equipment. Specially, more allocations have been provided for selected local authorities, which are facing many difficulties in carrying out day to day maintenances due to insufficient income levels. Our ministry has giving a distinctive attention to the current world challenged problem of Solid Waste and taken measures to introduce an appropriate Solid Waste Management mechanism. As a preliminary step, required machines and equipment have been provided for many Local Authorities.

Priority has been given for follow up activities on formulation and implementation of policies in respect of Provincial Councils and Local Government and it was able to successfully accomplish the key responsibility of efficiently utilizing resources granted though international organizations for related issues regarding infrastructure facility improvement, human resource development and problems faced within the social economic frame.

A best regional governing structure is a necessity to create a development democratic state. Identification of strong qualities as well as weak points of the Provincial Councils and Local Government Authorities that rule the regional governing of the island is a noteworthy fact. Thus, one of our key objectives is to reach superior level of the local authority system of this country in general within the forthcoming years.

It is noteworthy to state that initiatives have been already taken to implement the tasks of updating acts of Local Authorities compatible with present, formulate a set of national criteria to constitute new Local Authorities and upgrade present Local Authorities by a committee and make suitable amendments of divisional boundaries, names or letters by the national Delimitation Committee.

Introducing the front office system tested using new Information Technological methods for all Provincial Councils and Local Authorities, Conducting of capacity building training program and providing funds to implement feasible projects are also major components of the Action Plan of this Ministry in order to create a system that Provincial Councils and Local Authorities play a responsible role in National Economy and directing society within socio cultural process.

photo janakaHon. Minister Dinesh Gunawardena
Ministry of Public Administration, Home Affairs and Provincial Councils and Local Government.