The inauguration ceremony of launching the software for making online payments to all local authorities of the Central Province under the programme of providing Technological Solutions for the services delivered by the Local Authorities, was held on 23.12.2023 at the Akurana Pradeshiya Sabha premises headed by Attorney-at-Law Hon.Lalith U.Gamage, the Governor of Central Province and Hon. Janaka Wakkumbura, the State Minister of Provincial Councils and Local Government. This software is a creation of the Information Technology Unit of the Ministry of Provincial Councils and Local Government.

This occasion was graced by Hon. Gunathilleke Rajapakse, Member of Parliament for the District of Kandy, Mrs.Thejani Tillekeratne, District Secretary of Matale, Secretary to the Governor, Additional Secretaries of State Ministries of Provincial Councils and Local Government, Assistant Commissioners of Local Government including the Commissioner of Local Government of the Central Province, Secretary of the Akurana Pradeshiya Sabha, former Chairman of the Akurana Pradeshiya Sabha and other officers.

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